6.3 When will messages be closed automatically?

We process a great number of customer messages. In order to be able to provide a superior service we have to keep the number of messages we actively monitor to a minimum. That is why messages we consider to be resolved are closed automatically after a certain amount of time.

Automatic confirmation of messages in the status proposed solution

A message in the status proposed solution will be closed automatically if it is not answered within a certain period of time depending on its priority (status „Sent to Support“). The following table provides an overview of the pertaining time periods.

Message Priorityautomatically closed after…
Priority 114 days
Priority 221 days
Priority 330 days
Priority 430 days

Automatic confirmation of messages in the status customer action

If a message is in the status „Customer Action“ for more than 28 days in a row we will send you a reminder e-mail. If you fail to react to this reminder e-mail by altering the status to „Sent to Support“, your message will be closed automatically after another 14 days.

If a certain situation arises preventing you from participating for a longer period of time (e. g. if your are travelling or a certain deadline has to be adhered to) our support staff is able to alter the status to „Deferred“ by entering a resubmission date. Until the expiration of this date your message is pending.